The Storyline
My Two Homes is a short film about a moment in the life of a young girl who is learning how to cope with the loneliness & instability that come with her parents' divorce. It isn’t the magnitude of the situation that makes this family's story worth telling, it’s the heart of their emotions and the choices they make to deal with their own loneliness.
This story is important to me because it examines the impacts of divorce on a young child in a way that resonates with my own experience. The main character, Claire, struggles with the burden of her parents emotions, losing parts of herself to in the loving, but dependent relationships they develop. I want to tell this story through her eyes and through her young but intuitive lens.
My script has been hashed out and thoughtfully edited with help from University of Washington professors and close friends in the Seattle film community. I am so excited to move forward with this collaborative process to express both my personal experiences within this story as well as the universal nature of emotions like love, loneliness, childlike joy, and wonder.
~ Ella Torrance, Writer & Director